Armenian lavash rolls in the oven. Minced meat in pita bread in the oven: recipes

Have you tried hot lavash rolls baked in the oven? These recipes are not as popular as classic snack cold rolls, and for good reason. The baked lavash roll turns out to be very interesting in taste and beautiful, with a ruddy, appetizing crust.

To be honest, I recently discovered this recipe myself and was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out in the end. I saw a recipe for a lavash roll in the oven somewhere on the Internet, and I liked the idea itself. But the filling in that version was not to my taste.

Therefore, when I got ready to cook, I improvised a little. And I got a lavash roll in the oven with chicken, egg and vegetables. I won't be modest, it turned out great! So now this oven-baked lavash stuffed with chicken is one of my family’s favorites.

My husband, for example, often asks me to cook it for work: at lunch he just needs to heat the roll in the microwave, and he’s done. And for breakfast or dinner, a hot lavash roll in the oven is perfect. Well, was I convincing? Then I invite you to the kitchen - to cook!


  • 1 sheet of thin pita bread;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 100 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, black pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1 yolk.

How to cook lavash roll in the oven with chicken:

We will need thin pita bread, the approximate sheet size of which is 20 by 40 cm. Please note that it is best for pita bread rolls with chicken in the oven (as, indeed, for other pita bread rolls) to take rectangular pita bread, not round or oval. Lavash with rounded edges is more difficult to roll into a neat roll.

Grease a sheet of lavash with 1 tbsp. mayonnaise (preferably homemade).

Let's prepare the filling for the roll. Cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots onto a coarse grater. First sauté the onion half rings in vegetable oil over low heat, and then, when they become transparent, add the carrots to them and cook the whole place, stirring, over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Boil the chicken fillet until tender, cut into small cubes. Boil the egg hard, cool, peel and also cut into cubes.

We combine the ingredients for the filling: onions with carrots, chicken fillet, egg. Add the remaining mayonnaise and mix. If necessary, add salt and pepper to taste.

Spread the filling evenly on a sheet of lavash.

Roll the pita bread into a tight roll.

And place the roll in a baking dish, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil. If your shape, like mine, is not too large, then you can cut the roll into 2-3 parts.

Beat the yolk and brush the top of the roll with it.

Now you can send the form with pita bread to the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. As soon as the surface of the pita bread is covered with a golden brown crust (approximately after 15 minutes), the mold can be taken out.

To organize a light snack or appetizer for the holiday table, pita bread is often used (baked in the oven or simply rolled up). As for the filling, it can be different. It all depends on what the roll is being prepared for and what products are available.

Lavash baked in the oven with ham and vegetables

This wonderful roll is perfect as a meal and can also be used as a separate dish. The only drawback of this roll is its high calorie content. For 2 sheets of thin pita bread you will need 200 grams of cheese and ham, a little ketchup and mayonnaise, as well as any vegetables (ideally tomato, bell pepper, green onions, parsley). These ingredients make two rolls; to prepare one you need to take half the ingredients.

First you need to prepare the filling, for this you randomly chop the ham, grate the cheese, and also wash and cut the vegetables. Tomatoes - in rings, onions and herbs - finely, peppers - in strips. Lavash should be spread on the table, spread with ketchup, put in ham, sprinkle with cheese, put tomatoes on it, then peppers, and onions and herbs on top. Then it is rolled up, placed on a baking sheet, greased with mayonnaise (you can do without it) and baked. Keep the pita bread in the oven for 5 - 10 minutes, after which it should be taken out and cut into portions. The dish can be served!

Lavash with cheese, baked in the oven (homemade shawarma)

Fans of this oriental dish should not buy it at all, risking their health. You can prepare a very tasty one using high-quality ingredients. This will be lavash baked in the oven with meat, cheese and vegetables. For 2 servings you need to take 1 pita bread, half a small chicken breast (raw), half an onion, a small carrot, a little white cabbage, a tomato, a quarter glass of milk, an egg and cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, herbs.

First, cook the chicken. To do this, the breast is finely chopped and fried in a frying pan greased with any fat, salt and pepper to taste. The onions are fried in the same way. The remaining vegetables and herbs are finely chopped (carrots and cheese are grated). Next, the pita bread is divided into 2 parts, greased with ketchup and mayonnaise, laid out with meat, onions, cheese, vegetables, rolled into a tight envelope and placed on a baking sheet. Beat the egg with milk, add a little salt and pour this mixture over the envelopes, after which they are placed in the oven for about 30 minutes at medium heat. A delicious lunch is ready. This shawarma is best served with juice or beer.

For those who do not want to bake pita bread in the oven, we can recommend a cold roll with various fillings, for example, sausage, cheese and pickled mushrooms. For thin pita bread you will need 100 grams of sausage (any kind), cheese, and also herbs and mayonnaise. To begin with, divide the pita bread in half. Then one half is smeared with mayonnaise, randomly chopped mushrooms and chopped herbs are laid out. The second part of the pita bread is placed on top, also coated with mayonnaise, then the sausage cut into cubes is laid out and sprinkled with grated cheese. Then roll it into a tight roll, place it in a bag or film, and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Serve by cutting into portions and placing on a dish decorated with lettuce leaves.

Quick to prepare, satisfying, and most importantly delicious, oven-baked lavash rolls with sausage, cheese, and vegetables will please you and your family. They are practical in that they can be taken on the road, to nature, for breakfast and lunch. After all, they are good both hot and cold. You can experiment with the filling by replacing one ingredient with another. Prepare it, and you won’t regret it, and our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you.

Let's start with simple ingredients that every housewife may have on hand.

Ingredients for pita rolls

  • Lavash – one package (200 gr.)
  • Boiled sausage – 250 gr.
  • Hard cheese – 150 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Mayonnaise – 50 gr.
  • Egg – 1
  • Sesame – 100 gr.

These are the ingredients we will need, now let’s begin the step-by-step preparation.

Step-by-step recipe for lavash rolls with photos

Step 1

We prepare our ingredients in advance. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the sausage and tomatoes into cubes, finely chop the greens, pour the mayonnaise into a bowl, and separate the egg.

You can add a couple of cloves of squeezed garlic to the mayonnaise.

Step 2

Pour grated cheese and chopped tomatoes into a deep bowl.

Step 3

After the cheese and tomatoes, add chopped sausage and dill.

There is no need to add salt to the filling, since there is quite enough of it in the products present.

Step 4

Season the finished filling with mayonnaise.

Step 5

Mix everything well and set it aside, moving on to making the lavash rolls.

To prepare this dish, give preference to dense pita bread, which will preserve the integrity of the roll.

Step 6

Take one pita bread, cut it into two parts, you get two pita breads.

Step 7

These two pita breads need to be cut lengthwise.

Step 8

Now cut it across. You should get eight lavash leaves.

Step 9

Take one leaf of pita bread and start forming a roll. Place 2-3 tablespoons of filling on pita bread.

Step 10

We bend the edges and roll it into a roll. The first one is ready, we do the same with other pieces of lavash, forming eight rolls.

Step 11

Place the formed rolls in a baking dish.

If desired, the bottom of the pan can be greased with butter.

Step 12

Brush each roll with beaten egg. When baked, the egg will give the rolls a golden color.

Step 13

Sprinkle the greased rolls with sesame seeds.

Step 14

Place in a preheated oven and bake the rolls until golden brown, about 15-20 minutes. These are the delicious rolls you get.

For greater clarity, watch the video of making lavash rolls.

Video with step-by-step preparation of rolls

Lavash in the oven - general principles of preparation

For baking in the oven, use any thin pita bread: homemade or store-bought. You can even take flatbreads that are not fresh, but ones that have been lying around for several days and have dried out. When baked, they will become saturated with fillings and will sparkle with new flavors and aromas.

Most often, lavash dishes are filled with a variety of products, since the flatbread itself is tasteless and dry.

What can be wrapped in pita bread:

Meat, chicken, sausages;

Fish and seafood;

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms;

Cheese, eggs, dairy products.

Basically, you can use whatever you have in the refrigerator. Pies, rolls, pizzas and even chips are made from lavash. To diversify the taste, spices and sauces are used. And to give the product a beautiful look, they are greased with butter, eggs, or simply sprinkled with grated cheese.

Recipe 1: Lavash with cheese in the oven

An original recipe for lavash with cheese in the oven, which is very simple and quick to prepare. You can use any cheese, but it tastes best with suluguni. Or the well-known braid. The dish is equally tasty both hot and cold.


5 thin pita breads;

300 grams of suluguni;

4 tomatoes;

1 bunch of parsley or dill;

1/3 tsp. black pepper;

2 cloves of garlic;

150 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Greens and tomatoes need to be washed, dried and finely chopped.

2. Place the cheese on a cutting board and chop it finely, without unraveling the braids.

3. Grind the peeled garlic cloves.

4. Mix mayonnaise with garlic and black pepper.

5. Spread the pita bread on the table and spread with a thin layer of sauce.

6. Sprinkle with herbs and arrange the tomato pieces. There is no need to be close to each other, we distribute it among all the pita breads.

7. Sprinkle with chopped suluguni, roll up and place on a baking sheet.

8. Beat the egg, grease the rolls and place in the oven for 10 minutes. Take it out and try it!

Recipe 2: Lavash roll in the oven with ham

A hearty and simple dish. For a pita roll in the oven you will need ham, but you can use any sausage. It turns out no less tasty with boiled meat.


400 grams of ham;

100 grams of sour cream + 1 spoon for greasing;

1 bunch of onions;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 sweet pepper;

150 grams of hard cheese.


1. Boil 4 eggs. One egg should be left to grease the roll.

2. Peel the eggs and grate them finely.

3. Cut the ham into cubes and combine with eggs.

4. Add chopped garlic cloves.

5. Place grated cheese, chopped bell pepper and green onions there. It is very important to chop everything finely, no larger than a corn grain.

6. Mix all the ingredients with sour cream and taste it. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

7. Spread the pita bread on the table, lay out the filling, spread it with a spoon so that the layer is the same. From the opposite edge you need to leave 3 cm of pita bread dry, without filling.

8. Roll it into a tight roll and place it on a baking sheet.

9. Beat the remaining egg with a spoonful of sour cream and grease the roll.

10. Bake until golden brown for about 15 minutes at 200°C.

Recipe 3: Lavash with minced meat in the oven

A wonderful dish for a hearty family dinner. For pita bread with minced meat in the oven, you can use any meat. You will also need pitted olives, if you don’t have them, you can take 2-3 pickles, preferably barrel ones.


1 large pita bread;

500 grams of minced meat;

1 small can of olives;

150 grams of cheese;

200 grams of sour cream;

Salt pepper;

100 grams of cheese + 50 for sprinkling;

1 onion;

3 tablespoons of oil;

100 grams of milk.


1. Pour oil into a frying pan and place it on the stove.

2. Chop the onion and fry for a minute. Add minced meat and cook together. At the end, add salt and pepper to the filling.

3. Spread the pita bread, grease with sour cream.

4. Spread a thin layer of minced meat.

5. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Cut the olives into circles and also sprinkle the pita bread. If you use cucumbers, cut them into small cubes.

7. Roll the roll. Then we place it in a baking dish in the shape of a snail.

8. Mix the egg with 50 grams of grated cheese. Pour over the resulting lavash pie.

9. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Recipe 4: Lavash with mushroom filling in the oven

To prepare this stuffed pita bread in the oven you will need fresh champignons. But if there are other mushrooms, then you can take them too. The amount of vegetables can be increased or decreased to suit your taste.


300 grams of champignons;

1 carrot and onion;

150 grams of cheese;

Spices, oil;

100 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Chop the onion into half rings. Three carrots and fry them all together in oil. You need to blush it a lot.

2. Separately fry the chopped mushrooms, which we wash well first.

3. Brush the pita bread with beaten egg, half should remain.

4. Sprinkle with fried vegetables, then mushrooms.

5. Make a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

6. Sprinkle with grated cheese and roll up.

7. Cut into 10 cm pieces and place on a baking sheet.

8. Grease the surface with the remaining egg and fry in the oven. If desired, after lubricating the product, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds or cumin.

Recipe 5: Lavash pie in the oven with mushroom filling

In fact, to prepare such a lavash pie in the oven, you can use different fillings: vegetable, meat, fish, cheese. Either way it turns out tasty and juicy.


500 grams of champignons;

2-3 pita bread;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

200 grams of kefir;

200 grams of hard cheese;

Spices, a little herbs.


1. Cut the mushrooms into cubes, three carrots, and chop the onion as desired. Place everything together in a large frying pan and fry for 10 minutes.

2. Cool the filling and pass through a meat grinder. You will get minced mushroom.

3. Take a baking dish, lay out the pita bread and trim off the excess edges. Leave the sides covered. We tear the trimmings into pieces.

4. Lay out half the filling, then the lavash trimmings and the filling again.

5. Beat the egg with kefir, pour half into the filling, add cheese and herbs.

6. Cover the pie with another sheet of lavash on top, fold the edges over the sides of the first layer. We make several holes.

7. Pour the remaining kefir with the egg on top and put it in the oven to cook for 20 minutes.

Recipe 6: Cheese lavash pie in the oven “Quick”

To prepare such a lavash pie in the oven, you can use any cheese, mixture, and even add a little cottage cheese to the filling. It is very important to spread the layers of filling thinly. The more you get, the tastier the pie will be.


2-3 pita bread;

400 grams of cheese;

40 grams of butter;

70 grams of milk;


1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft.

2. Prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese coarsely, add the egg and milk. Mix well. You can add herbs, garlic, and any spices to taste.

3. We cut the pita bread into pieces equal to the baking dish. The number of layers can be arbitrary, from 2 to infinity.

4. Place lavash on the bottom, grease with filling. Cover with the next layer and grease again. Continue until the filling runs out. The last one should be pita bread.

5. Grease the final layer of the cake with softened butter.

6. Place the pie in the oven for 20 minutes and you’re done!

Recipe 7: Lavash in the oven with chicken and tomatoes

A recipe for a very tender and juicy lavash dish in the oven. The taste is in no way inferior to pizza, but it is much easier and faster to prepare. This amount of ingredients will make 2 large servings.


300 grams of chicken;

100 grams of cheese;

2 tomatoes;

0.5 bunch of greenery;

Pepper, salt;

2 tablespoons of oil;

2-3 spoons of sour cream;


1. Cut the chicken into strips, fry in a frying pan with butter until golden brown. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.

2. Cut the tomatoes into not very thin circles, three cheeses, and simply chop the greens.

3. Cut the pita bread into 2 parts.

4. On one half, stepping back 5 cm from the edge, place the chicken in the first layer.

5. Place pieces of tomatoes on top, grease with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Cover with the other half and bend the free edges so that the seam is at the bottom.

7. Place on a baking sheet, brush with egg and bake for 10 minutes.

Recipe 8: Homemade pita chips in the oven

Lavash is such a versatile product that you can even make chips from it. Moreover, they will be much more useful and safer than purchased analogues. These chips go great with beer.


Garlic clove;

150 grams of cheese;

0.5 spoons of paprika;


1. Three cheese on a fine grater.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with paprika, add salt and chopped garlic.

3. Grease the pita bread with the resulting mash.

4. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. You don't need it thickly, just lightly.

5. Cut the flatbread into pieces of arbitrary shape. You can make squares, rectangles, diamonds or straws.

6. Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment or silicone mat. There is no need to lubricate anything with oil.

7. Place our chips in the oven and cook for 10 minutes until golden brown. You need to constantly make sure that they do not burn, as they fry very quickly.

Recipe 9: Stuffed pita bread in the oven with crab sticks

A recipe for incredibly delicious oven-baked lavash made with crab sticks. The number of products is arbitrary, we make it to your taste. But you don’t need to put a lot of filling, the layer should not be very thick.


Crab sticks;


Onion greens;


Bell pepper.


1. Cut crab sticks into small pieces. Pour into a bowl, salt and pepper.

2. We also cut the pepper finely and put it on chopsticks.

3. Add chopped onion and mayonnaise, mix the mixture.

4. Lay lavash on the table and spread the crab filling.

5. Tomatoes need to be cut in half, then into semicircles. Place on top of the crab filling.

6. Cover everything with grated cheese and roll it up.

7. Now you can simply put it on a baking sheet, cut it into pieces or roll it in the shape of a snail. We do it in any convenient way.

8. Beat the egg in a bowl and brush the stuffed dish with a brush.

9. Place in the oven. Since the filling is ready, just bake until golden brown and it will take no more than 15 minutes. The temperature can be immediately set to high, 200-220 degrees.

Lavash in the oven - useful tips and tricks

To get a golden brown crust on the baked lavash, you can grease the surface with butter. If an egg is used, then granulated sugar or a little honey is added to it for a more beautiful color.

Has the pita bread dried out, crumbled and become tasteless? Don't throw it away, it's good for baking! Lubricate the layer with any sauce, mayonnaise or just water and after 5 minutes it will be restored. We wrap any fillings in it and send it to the oven!

To ensure that the filling in the pita bread does not spill out, is dense and sticks together, you can add a raw egg to it. When baking, it will set and prevent any pieces from falling out. You can also add grated cheese.

To give baked pita bread a beautiful look and a pleasant aroma, you need to brush it with egg and then sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can also use sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and nuts.

Onions take a very long time to cook, so it’s better to fry them a little before adding them to the pita bread. Otherwise, the filling will crunch.

Garlic and hot spices must be stirred into the filling or sauce before adding to the pita bread. If you just sprinkle a layer, they will not be distributed evenly.

Lavash dishes

From this article you will learn how to choose the right ingredients for stuffed pita bread. How to cook delicious, juicy minced meat and how to bake this dish correctly.

1 hour

190 kcal

5/5 (4)

Many of us associate Armenian lavash primarily with shawarma. But you can prepare many tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, quick dishes from it. For example, rolls and puff pastries, sandwiches and lasagna. Thin lavash with filling makes a unique, easy-to-prepare and very tasty snack, which I will tell you about today.

You can put different fillings in pita bread and wrap it in any way. The pita bread itself is easy to make yourself, and even easier to buy it in the store. I experimented a lot with shape and filling. And now I want to present to your attention the most successful and delicious recipe for pita bread with meat in the oven.

Kitchen tools: sharp knife, grater, silicone brush, frying pan and baking dish.

Required Ingredients

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Lavash is very easy to choose. Buy it at a store or supermarket. It should be pale in color. Individual convex parts of pita bread may be brown and fried. If the pita bread was heavily rolled in flour, perhaps they were trying to hide its “venerable age.” Plastic packaging does not allow air to penetrate inside, which can cause the dough to become soggy, so do not buy pita bread in such packaging.
  • Minced meat must be chosen very carefully. It should be of uniform consistency and color. Read the ingredients, it should not contain anything other than meat. If you see mechanically separated meat in the product, do not buy this product. This means that there are connective tissues, skin, fat and tendons, processed in a special way. It is almost impossible to calculate such components in minced meat. Also, high-quality minced meat cannot cost much less than meat. If the price is too low, don't try to save money. Most likely, such a product contains many cheap and harmful ingredients.

If the minced meat smells like spices, this is a sign that the manufacturer or seller wanted to hide the unpleasant odor. It is also important to find the expiration date and other important information on the packaging. This is the energy value, manufacturer contacts, etc.

  • For this recipe, choose fatty and thick sour cream.
  • The brand of hard cheese does not matter, just choose natural, high-quality cheese.
  • Take green olives without pits.

Cooking sequence

  1. Making the filling
    — Vegetable oil – for frying.
    — Onion – 1 pc.
    The onion needs to be peeled and chopped, then fried briefly in vegetable oil.
  2. Ingredients:
    - Salt - to taste.
    — Minced meat – 0.5 kg.
    Add the minced meat to the pan with the onions and fry until done. Then this filling must be cooled.
  3. Ingredients:
    - Lavash - 1 sheet.
    - Sour cream - 200 ml.
    Lay out a sheet of lavash and spread it with sour cream. Place the minced meat on top and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

  4. Ingredients:
    — Olives (canned) – 1 jar.
    — Hard cheese – 100 g.
    Grate 100 grams of cheese and sprinkle it over the minced meat. Then slice the olives and place them on top.
  5. Forming a roll
    Roll the sheet of pita bread with the filling into a roll. Then roll it into a spiral and place it in a round baking dish.
  6. Preparing the filling

    — Egg – 1 pc.
    - Milk - 0.5 cups.

    — Hard cheese – 50 g.
    - Salt - to taste.

    Beat the egg with milk and salt. Then grate 50 g of hard cheese and add to the filling, stir. You can add black pepper if you wish. Pour this mixture over the roll and bake.
  7. Preheat the oven to standard 180 degrees. Bake the stuffed pita bread in the oven for about 30 minutes.

Cooking video recipe

Watch the video on how to make delicious lavash. This pita bread is cooked in the oven with cheese, herbs, sausage and tomatoes.

Subtleties of cooking

Recipe options

For cooking lavash with mushrooms and cheese in the oven take hard cheese and champignons. Grate the cheese, chop the champignons and fry. These mushrooms can be added to the filling raw, but fried in butter with the addition of onions, they become much more flavorful. Brush the pita bread with kefir or sour cream, then wrap the filling in it and bake for about 30 minutes.