Caesar bread crumbs in the microwave. How to make crackers in the microwave from bread: homemade recipes

Homemade crackers in the microwave can be used for a snack or as a beer snack. Plus, they're great for adding to soups, broths, or salads. Crackers, made in just a few minutes, are not only tasty, but also healthy, and do not contain harmful additives that are found in ready-made store products.

How to make crackers in the microwave?

Cooking croutons in the microwave is even easier than the usual way in the oven. The main advantage of this cooking method is the significant time savings. The recommendations presented below will help you make the treat quickly and without hassle.

  1. For croutons, bread should be cut into pieces of the same size so that they lose moisture evenly.
  2. When cooked in the microwave, crackers begin to lose moisture from the inside, so they will be darker there and lighter on the outside. This must be taken into account when determining the degree of readiness.
  3. Croutons need to be cooked in the microwave in several batches, periodically removing them and stirring.

Crackers from a loaf in the microwave can be prepared in different ways: the loaf can be cut into cubes or strips; the cooking time will depend on the size of the pieces. If desired, the bread can also be lightly sprinkled with odorless vegetable oil; this will only improve the taste of the finished product.


  • white loaf – 300 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. The bread is cut into small cubes, sprinkled with salt, spices and stirred.
  2. Place the slices in the microwave and dry them at maximum power for 1 minute on each side.

Crackers in the microwave at home can be prepared from different types of bread. If you plan to use the product as a snack, then rye bread is better than others. To improve the taste of the finished product, you can simply add salt to the bread pieces, or you can also sprinkle them with spices to suit your taste.


  • rye bread – 500 g;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. The bread is cut into oblong strips, added some salt and stirred gently.
  2. Pour oil into another bowl, add crackers and knead well.
  3. Place the future crackers in the microwave and dry them at maximum heat until golden brown, stirring them occasionally.

Croutons in the microwave with garlic

In the microwave they turn out incredibly appetizing and very aromatic. Garlic can be used both fresh and dry. In the first case, it is passed through a press, added to the bread and kneaded thoroughly, and in the second, the prepared ingredients are simply sprinkled with the dry product.


  • bread or loaf – 200 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • salt;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves.


  1. The bread is cut into cubes of the desired size.
  2. Add oil and stir well.
  3. Sprinkle the bread with salt and add garlic passed through a press.
  4. Mix it all thoroughly.
  5. Place the prepared ingredients on a flat dish and cook the crackers in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

Making bread croutons in the microwave is very easy. You can simply cut it into pieces and dry it, or you can also make a very tasty and savory snack out of it. To do this, you just need to add smoked lard and bring the product to full readiness. It will take a little longer, but the results will be worth it.


  • rye bread – 4 slices;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • smoked lard – 50 g.


  1. Rye bread is cut into strips or cubes.
  2. Add chopped garlic, stir well and place on a flat plate in 1 layer.
  3. Lard cut into thin strips is laid out on top.
  4. At maximum power, cook crackers for 10 minutes.

You can prepare soup croutons in the microwave in a matter of minutes. For this, you can use any bread, but more often a variety of soups and broths are served with croutons made from white bread or a loaf. It is better that the bread is not too fresh, but slightly dried out, then it will crumble less and it will be easier to cut it.


  • white loaf – 100 g.


  1. The loaf is cut into small cubes.
  2. If desired, they can be lightly salted or flavored with spices. But it’s better not to do this, so as not to spoil the taste of the main dish.
  3. Place the prepared components in a microwave-safe container and cook for 3 minutes at maximum power.

Home-cooked in the microwave - an excellent alternative to various store-bought snacks. You can make them in different ways: with the addition of your favorite herbs and spices, herbs. The product will acquire a special taste if you use high-quality olive oil rather than sunflower oil.


  • bread – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. Slightly dried bread is cut into cubes or strips.
  2. Add salt and spices to the oil and stir.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a bag, and the prepared bread is sent there.
  4. The bag is inflated halfway, the top is twisted and shaken thoroughly so that the pieces are evenly covered with the mixture.
  5. Place the bread on a dish and, at maximum power, cook the beer croutons in the microwave for 3 minutes.

Croutons for Caesar in the microwave

Anyone can cook it in the microwave in minutes. In this case, you can use ordinary white bread as the starting product, but if you have a loaf or toast bread, it will be even better and tastier. The crackers turn out very tender with a light garlic aroma.


  • white bread – 200 g;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt.


  1. The loaf is cut into cubes with a side of approximately 8 mm.
  2. Sprinkle them with salt and stir.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the oil, let it sit for 1 hour, then remove the garlic, and grease the bread slices with the resulting oil.
  4. Place the product on a dish and cook the bread crumbs in the microwave until lightly browned.

Anyone can cook them in the microwave, and if you make them with cheese, it will turn out even tastier. Absolutely any hard cheese is suitable for these purposes. So in a few minutes you can prepare a delicious snack that will appeal to both adults and children.

Bread is a product that we eat every day, for breakfast - in the form of sandwiches, for lunch - with soup, in the evening - with what we prepared for dinner. Bread is very rich in nutrients, fiber, microelements, but, nevertheless, it is believed that it is very harmful to our figure and every piece of bread eaten is deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, many people refuse to eat bread, thereby causing irreparable harm to their body, which requires the components contained in bread.

This question interested scientists, who came to the conclusion that eating fresh bread leads to the fact that, due to the presence of a large amount of fiber, it sticks together in our stomach into a lump, as a result of which it takes a very long time to digest. This is the reason for the formation of excess fat. As it turned out, eating dried bread gives a different result - crackers, due to their fragility, crumble and do not stick together, so they are digested quite quickly and do not linger in the stomach. Thus, we can conclude that bread can be eaten, but in the form of crackers, and without the slightest twinge of conscience.

Today there is nothing easier than going to the store and buying crackers for every taste - sweet and salty, with the addition of various spices and seasonings, which, however, will also not benefit the figure. How to make crackers on one's own? Dry homemade crackers you can do it in any way:

You can slice fresh bread and dry it in the sun, but in this case the process will take quite a long time,
- you can dry the crackers on the stove or in the oven of a gas or electric stove; when drying in the oven, the door should be slightly open - to allow the liquid evaporating from the bread to escape in the form of steam,
- if you are the happy owner of a microwave oven, then you simply cannot find a better way to dry crackers at home.

The principle of drying crackers in a microwave oven is that ultra-high-frequency microwaves penetrate into the very center of sliced ​​​​pieces of bread, heating them from the inside and expelling moisture from there. Therefore, you may notice that the finished crackers inside have a darker color than the outside.

How to dry crackers in the microwave?

Bread intended for baking is cut into the most identical rectangular or square pieces and placed on a dish in the microwave. The drying mode should be chosen very carefully. It is best if you choose higher power, then set the drying time to 2-3 minutes. Then you should open the microwave, if the crackers are not ready yet, then you need to turn them over and set the time again for 2-3 minutes. In this way, you will protect the crackers from burning and yourself from unnecessary problems. Burnt crackers are not only wasted product. The inside of your microwave will become a poisonous yellow color, which will be very difficult to clean, and the kitchen will be filled with yellow smoke, which will also be difficult to air out. Therefore, if you decide to dry crackers in the microwave, be very careful, this is the only way you can get home-made crackers of high quality.

It often happens that stale bread is left at home, but nevertheless it still remains fresh. What to do with it in this case? We will talk about this in our article, namely, how to make crackers in the microwave. We think that you yourself can easily guess how you can use stale crusts, but usually crackers are baked in a frying pan. In our case, we decided to use technological advances to significantly simplify and speed up the cooking process. In the end, if you don’t know how to cook well, then the microwave will help you avoid burning and your crackers will be tasty and golden.

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In addition to the fact that you will find a use for an already spoiled product, you will be exactly sure of what your homemade crackers are made of - unlike store-bought analogues. This dish goes perfectly with any drink, be it tea or beer. In addition, you can even use it instead of ordinary bread. Crackers are very often used as an ingredient in salads or as an addition to dishes, most often soups. The only danger in using such a product is that you should not eat a large amount of crackers on an empty stomach, because it can be harmful.

Now we will begin to describe some of the most common recipes that are very easy to prepare.

First recipe

This is a classic recipe that will help you cook crackers in the microwave without any additional spices or ingredients.

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You will need

  • Brown bread, however, is also suitable for white
  • Salt and spices to taste. It is worth noting that choosing the right spices is one of the most important moments in cooking - they can greatly change the taste of the dish.


  1. We start by cutting the stale bread (or fresh bread, if you decide to just fry the crackers in the microwave) into cubes or slices. At the same time, you need to understand that what you will use the dish with depends on the shape of the cut. For example, cubes are perfect with beer, and slices with salad.
  2. Once you are done with chopping, you should choose a large plate that will fit in the microwave. Carefully place the slices on it and salt them, now you can add spices. If you do not want to use vegetable oil, then, for example, a special aqueous broth solution may be suitable. To prepare it, you will need to dissolve a store-bought bouillon cube in enough water. You can add salt or pepper to it to taste. When the solution is ready, you just need to sprinkle it on the crackers in the microwave. After this, you can proceed to the next stage.
  3. Now the plate should be placed in the microwave. Cooking time and mode will depend on the brand of your stove and its power. To be sure, you should check the dish, stirring the croutons every two minutes so that they do not burn. At the same time, make sure they turn out ruddy and golden. The ideal option would be to use a convection oven, which in turn will reduce the cooking time by almost half.
  4. When they are crispy, you should turn off the microwave, but do not take them out until it has cooled down - let them “reach” until they are fully cooked.

Recipe with garlic

Typically, garlic croutons are used for salads; in our recipe we will offer you just such an option.

You will need

  • About four hundred grams of black bread
  • A couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • A little salt and spices to taste
  • A couple of garlic cloves


  1. We start by cutting the bread into small slices. The best choice for our case is the Borodino or rye variety of baked goods, which have a very dense structure - this way they will crumble less. If you don’t like cutting the bread into cubes, you can chop it into strips, up to a centimeter thick.
  2. After that, we move on to the garlic - you also need to chop it. This can be done using a special garlic press or a knife.
  3. We select a deep bowl in which to mix the garlic, spices and sunflower oil. Once everything is mixed, you can put the cuttings in there. Mix the ingredients thoroughly again so that all the pieces are saturated with the mixture.
  4. We take a large dish or special dishes that are used for the oven, and put the bread on it. It’s good if you have a lid for it - this will make the cooking process much faster. Having covered the dish with a lid, close the stove, set it to high power and wait for about two minutes. After this time has passed, you will need to stir the crackers in the microwave and do a similar procedure until they are ready.
  5. When the crackers are golden brown or toasted, you can turn off the microwave, wait about one minute, and then take them out - the dish is ready and ready to eat.

It is worth noting that during cooking, there is a possibility that the crackers will be overcooked. To avoid this situation, you need to set the correct oven mode and constantly monitor the baking time. Otherwise, you will get a completely inedible and spoiled product that can only be thrown away. In addition, you can contaminate the inside of the microwave oven with smoke, which is very difficult to clean.

What other measures should be taken to prevent this from happening? Firstly, correctly determine the modes in which the oven operates. Secondly, check the condition of the bread approximately every two minutes - make sure that they do not overcook or burn. If you want to experiment and increase the interval between checking crackers in the microwave, this could end in disaster.

Recipe for beer croutons

We couldn’t help but include such a recipe in the article, because most often croutons are served with beer.

You will need

  • One loaf of bread (black or white).
  • A small spoon of salt
  • A couple of large spoons of vegetable oil
  • Spices and herbs to taste


  1. Cut the bread into slices.
  2. Take a deep bowl, pour oil into it, add spices, herbs and mix everything well. Soak the crackers in the mixture, then place them on a separate microwave-safe dish.
  3. As in previous recipes, set the oven mode and check the readiness every two minutes and mix the crackers.

It is worth noting that the dish, in this case, will take a little longer to prepare than in previous recipes.

We hope that our article will help you in preparing crackers in the microwave. Good luck to you!

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Crackers are not only a snack for beer. Small pieces of toasted bread are often used for salads, they are added to hot broths and soups. Croutons in the microwave are a quick, tasty snack; they do not contain harmful additives that are so often found in ready-made store-bought products.

The cooking time for crackers depends on how the bread was cut - into thick cubes or thin strips.

Bread preparations can be seasoned with different spices and sprinkled with vegetable oil. This will make them taste much better.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the required amount of white bread, cut it into squares or strips, sprinkle with salt, seasonings and mix.
  2. Place the bread pieces on a flat tray and place them in the microwave. Dry on high power for one minute on one side and one minute on the other.

From black bread

Crispy croutons can be made from different breads, but if they are used as a snack, it is better to take rye bread. To improve the taste of the finished product we use various seasonings and olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Take 500 g of rye bread, cut into long strips and treat them with salt.
  2. Pour a spoonful of olive oil into a bowl, place the bread mixtures and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We transfer the future snack to a dish and dry it in a microwave oven at maximum power until golden, turning it over periodically.

Garlic croutons in a couple of minutes

Making homemade garlic croutons is quite simple. For the recipe, you can use fresh garlic (which will then need to be put through a press) or dried. For such spicy croutons, it is equally good to use both light and dark bread.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the required amount of loaf or rye bread, cut into squares, pour in vegetable oil and mix.
  2. Grind five cloves of garlic using a press or three on a grater, mix the resulting pulp with salt, and then dip the bread pieces into the resulting mixture.
  3. We distribute the future snack on a dish and put it in the microwave. Set the power to high and the time to five minutes. In the middle of the process, the crackers need to be mixed.

Croutons for soup in the microwave

Most often, hot puree soups and broths in respectable establishments are served with white croutons.

To prepare a snack, you should not take fresh soft bread; it is better to choose a harder piece - it will not break when slicing.

This way the finished croutons will not only be tasty, but also beautiful.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the required amount of light bread and chop it into small cubes. If desired, you can add a little salt or sprinkle them with your favorite dried herbs.
  2. Place the bread pieces in a special bowl for microwave ovens and dry at high power for three minutes.

Salty snack for beer

Homemade beer snacks are always better than store-bought ones. You can prepare croutons with different seasonings, making them saltier or spicier according to your own preferences.

Olive oil and fresh herbs give the crispy croutons a special taste.

Cooking method:

  1. For croutons, take the required amount of soft bread (any kind) and cut it as you like.
  2. Mix three tablespoons of olive oil with a teaspoon of salt and add any spices.
  3. Place the bread pieces into a tight bag and pour in the oil-spicy mixture. Inflate the bag and shake its contents well so that the pieces of bread are completely covered with the mixture.
  4. Place the pieces on a dish and dry them in a microwave oven at high power for three minutes.

How to cook with cheese

Often on the shelves we find crackers flavored with cheese, crab, onion, etc. But why pay for something that is so easy to make in your own kitchen using ingredients that would otherwise be thrown into the trash? We offer a recipe for croutons with cheese, which, unlike store-bought products, do not pose a health risk due to the high concentration of various “E”s.


  • seven bread toasts;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • five tablespoons of butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the toast bread into squares. Mix salt with butter, add bread pieces into the mixture and mix everything.
  2. Grind the cheese on a fine grater and also add it to the spiced bread cubes.
  3. Place the preparations on a dish and put them in the microwave. Dry until golden.

Croutons for Caesar salad in the microwave

Almost everyone loves Caesar salad. As you know, one of the ingredients of the snack is garlic croutons, which you can easily prepare with your own hands.


  • 200 g light bread;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • garlic clove;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread pieces into squares with sides no larger than 8 mm. Sprinkle them with salt and mix.
  2. Put the chopped spicy vegetable into the oil, mix and let the mixture stand for an hour.
  3. Afterwards, remove the garlic and grease the bread pieces with spicy oil.
  4. Dry the salad croutons in the microwave oven at maximum power until they are lightly browned.

Now you know how to make croutons yourself, but no less tasty than in a restaurant. You can prepare them in different flavors, making the snack salty, spicy, spicy and even sweet.

Croutons in the microwave turn out much tastier and healthier than those sold in the store. This product can be made from both rye and wheat bread. Let's look at both options in more detail.

Making crackers in the microwave at home

There is nothing complicated in preparing such products. Using yesterday's bread, as well as all the necessary spices, you can make a very aromatic snack for beer or any other drinks in a few minutes.

So, in order for you to get delicious homemade crackers in the microwave, you need to make sure you have:

  • yesterday's rye bread - about ½ brick;
  • sweet paprika - no more than 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • crushed black pepper - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • dried basil - a full dessert spoon;
  • fresh garlic - a few cloves.

Preparing the ingredients

Croutons cook relatively quickly in the microwave. But before you begin heat treatment of rye bread, it should be properly prepared. The flour product is chopped into cubes measuring 1 by 1 centimeter. If you require other forms of crackers, you can cut them to your liking.

After the bread is chopped, it is flavored with a small amount of vegetable oil and mixed well with your hands.

As for the spices, they are simply combined in one bowl. By the way, to get more aromatic and tasty crackers, you should definitely use fresh garlic. It is peeled, grated on a small grater and also added to the spices, mixing them thoroughly.

Heat treatment process

Before preparing the crackers in the microwave, place the shredded bread on a wide, flat plate. It should be taken into account that the center of the dish heats up the most. In this regard, it is recommended to distribute crackers only on the sides of the dishes.

In this form, rye bread is sent to the microwave and set to the highest power for 15-17 seconds. After this time, the crackers are thoroughly mixed and heat treated again.

The described actions should be carried out about 3 or 4 times, that is, until all the moisture from the bread has evaporated and you have crispy crackers.

Final stage

After the crackers are completely cooked in the microwave, take them out, stir again and leave until they cool down. Then the products are placed in a deep bowl, the previously prepared spices are poured in and shaken thoroughly, tossing the crackers up. This procedure will make dried bread more aromatic and tasty.

Making wheat crackers from bread in the microwave

We talked above about how rye crackers are prepared. But if for some reason you don’t like such products, then we suggest making them from wheat bread. For this we need the following components:

  • yesterday's wheat bread - about ½ brick;
  • sweet paprika - no more than 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • crushed black pepper - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • dried thyme - a full dessert spoon;
  • dried garlic - add as desired.

Component Processing

As in the previous recipe, bread for crackers should only be taken yesterday. Only in this case will the products be cut easily and simply. By the way, you can shred them in different ways. Some make crackers in the form of sticks, others in the form of small or large cubes, and some even dry them in whole slices.

Having cut the bread in any way known to you, begin to prepare the spices. To do this, mix sweet paprika, table salt, crushed black pepper, dried garlic and thyme in a small bowl.

How should you cook?

After processing the ingredients, sliced ​​wheat bread is placed on a flat plate and immediately placed in the microwave. At maximum power, the crackers should be cooked for about 16 seconds. Then they need to be taken out, cooled, flavored with soft butter and heat treated again.

After 18 seconds, the crushed bread should be mixed again and sent to the microwave oven. For the third time, wheat crackers need to be seasoned with spices, after placing the products in a deep bowl. Then the products are returned to the microwave and dried for about 15 seconds.

Finally, take out all the wheat crackers, stir and leave to cool for a few minutes. If the bread has not had time to dry completely, then it is left open for a couple of hours (at room temperature).

You can use crackers prepared according to the recipe described above in different ways. Some people use them with a foamy drink, some add them to salads, and some put them in hot pureed soups.