Dreaming of driving out flies. Dream interpretation of why flies dream about a lot of flies

In real life, we all dislike annoying, intrusive and very unpleasant insects, whose name is flies. They carry germs, and these people simply do not inspire sympathy among others. What does a dream mean to a person, where does a fly sneak in? How is this dream interpreted, will it lead to negative consequences or, on the contrary, does it carry something positive. It all depends on many factors: color, actions taken by the dreamer, size and number of insects, etc.

Decoding dreams from various dream books

According to Freud

According to this dream book, flies are a symbol of children, just like other insects. If you chase these harmful flies around the house, then in reality the dreamer feels negative towards children, they irritate him, perhaps even experiences a feeling of hatred.

Vanga's dream book - a fly in a dream

The seer sees a negative sign in the annoying midge. According to her, the fly symbolizes the death of a loved one in the near future. The loss will bring a lot of grief. If possible, remember people who have already died. Take the same actions if you dreamed of a whole swarm of flies.

According to Miller

In his dream book, flies symbolize illness or actions that lead nowhere. That is, the dreamer in reality commits many meaningless actions. He is advised to put things in order in his life, in his head, in his home.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

Here flies are harbingers of bad news. A person will face many quarrels, scandals, squabbles out of nowhere; minor troubles and illness are also possible.

Dream Interpretation of Velesov

Everything is much happier here. A fly that appears in a dream symbolizes a wedding and pleasant chores.

According to Tsvetkov

The fly dreamed of sadness; events will lead to depression and sadness.

Interpretation of dreams where flies appear in different quantities

A dream where you saw a lot of flies

Where it leads:

  • To everyday fuss, worries, vanity.
  • Attacks from envious people.
  • Unforeseen expenses.
  • Declining business profits.

And again, the problems mainly come from the immediate environment. Perhaps they envy the dreamer at work and try to harm him, slander him, and gossip. Beware of aggression, slander, try to take precautions, stay away from annoying and annoying people who resemble midges.
It is especially bad if in a dream insects bite, land, or stick around a person. This is the likelihood of contracting an unpleasant disease.

I dreamed of a large number of flies

A bad omen. Negative events and even serious trouble can happen in life. You need to be very careful, remember the lessons of the past, then perhaps you will be able to emerge victorious from an unpleasant situation.

Dream about flies indoors, sitting on a person

  • Insects in the house

If nasty arthropods fly in your house in a dream, this means that life has stagnated, has become boring and monotonous, and it’s time to change something in it. It is also worth paying attention to your surroundings; perhaps there are many slanderers and ill-wishers among them, spoiling your reputation and preventing you from developing.

  • Flies in the room

If a young lady dreams of them, it means that she will be able to achieve her goal, and, in general, all things will go well and her health will improve.
A man in a dream saw a fly in the room - he will experience great disappointment, life trials and troubles await him, everything will go out of the usual rut.

  • I dreamed of a fly on the ceiling

This means that a person is in a close relationship with a hypocritical, evil comrade, a real pretender and a liar. Think about who it could be and try not to communicate with him.

  • A fly sits on the window in a dream

This promises troubles and various problematic situations. Seeing a fly sitting on the glass is clearly a bad sign, especially if the window is dirty and has not been washed for a long time. The dream indicates the presence of problems, suggests that the dreamer is mired in routine, routine is boring him. Try to refresh your senses, change your surroundings, make your everyday life brighter.

  • A fly sits on the hair

A woman can expect to meet a new admirer, have a romantic date, or have a pleasant trip.
If a fly lands on a man’s hair in a dream, it means that he has a secret and is trying to hide it.

We interpret dreams according to the types and sizes of flies

I dreamed about big, big flies

This suggests that it is necessary to remember the dead. If the insect is too annoying, you should be wary of illness or the loss of a loved one, a reliable friend who means a lot to the dreamer. The loss can be a very big loss, grief.

Fly larva

Small, nasty larvae seen in a dream will tell you about the current state of affairs. It is possible that they are not going well. You are very nervous, you can’t pull yourself together, you’re tired. If there are a lot of larvae and they are running around the floor, get yourself together and put yourself in order, clear up the emergency at work, make peace with those with whom you are on bad terms.
If you dreamed of larvae sitting on your body, expect news that will greatly surprise you.

Actions against flies in a dream

  • Killing flies in a dream

What does this tell us? Most likely, in real life you will recover from a protracted illness or improve your affairs, which have been going very badly for a long time.

  • Beating flies in a dream

If you beat hated midges in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer will face domestic troubles, troubles, and troubles.

  • In a dream, drive flies out of the house

If you manage to get rid of unpleasant communication, joy and something pleasant await you.

  • I dreamed of catching flies

You are tired of annoying friends in real life; the dream promises a serious conversation with envious people, where they will be brought to light.

  • Poisoning flies in a dream

This is not a very pleasant dream; it warns of a possible serious conversation with a loved one.

Dreams by color of flies

  • Dreamed of black flies

These are harbingers of disappointment in people; unpleasant matters will arise that will have to be resolved.

  • Dung flies in a dream

This dream suggests that a person will get dirty in the mud, that is, he will be pecked or he will find himself in an unpleasant situation and commit an ugly act.

  • Dreaming of dead flies

The dreams of a woman indicate that she has decided to open her own business or start a new life. When a man dreams of dead flies, it means that he will meet with an old friend; perhaps they did not have a very good relationship in the past.

  • Dead flies

It means that someone has decided to annoy you, to do a dirty trick in order to prevent you from carrying out your plan.

  • Green fly in a dream

A harbinger that troubles will happen in life, but through the fault of another person. If in a dream a green fly hovers over food, this means that a person is creative, and if it sits on bread, then you will be able to realize your wildest fantasies.
Killing a green fly would mean that a person has taken on too many responsibilities. And if she is caught in a box, plan a trip, but will it be pleasant? Unknown.

I dreamed about a fly, interpretation depending on gender

  • Dreamed of a woman

The dream is not good, perhaps this is a bad sign and an infection has appeared in the body, a disease whose existence the woman is not aware of.
If a young girl saw a fly in a dream, danger awaits her, so she must be careful.

  • Dreamed of a man

An enterprising person should think about his work and business. If you see a midge, it means small troubles that impede the development of prospects. Numerous insects speak of staff or immediate surroundings that are dissatisfied with something.

  • A child dreamed of a fly

This indicates a danger awaiting the child; he needs to try to be careful, and parents should not let him go alone.

Now you know why such unpleasant creatures appear in dreams. But when deciphering, it is always worth taking into account a number of accompanying factors; perhaps the person is simply tired or has seen enough thrillers. Good night.

A fly is an annoying and unpleasant insect. Few people would want to meet her in reality. Appearing to you in a dream, she also often portends minor troubles. However, some dream books interpret the appearance of flies in a dream in a positive way. So, why do you dream about flies?

Aesop's Dream Book

You dreamed of a fly - it means that in life you are trying to get out of a difficult situation. If the insect is huge, you should think about your capabilities: it is possible that you have taken on an impossible task.

Are you haunted by the persistent buzzing of nasty flies in your dreams? This means that in the real world you are surrounded by deceitful, hypocritical people; you should not trust them too much. Be vigilant! Otherwise, you may become a victim of someone’s machinations.

Killing flies in a dream is a sign warning of possible deception on the part of someone close to you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Whoever saw flies in a dream is threatened with insults and unfair persecution.

Spring dream book

If you dreamed about a fly, expect a boring and boring interlocutor to appear in reality. Maybe it's your future neighbor or work colleague.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing flies in a dream means that your friend will consider one of your actions stupid. You will have to show diplomatic skills and eloquence to convince him otherwise.

Catching flies is a warning: the method you are trying to use to get out of this situation is unsuccessful.

Women's dream book

The appearance of buzzing insects in a dream may be a sign of an approaching illness. The disease will be infectious. Beware of bacteria and infections, wash your hands often, and take care of children’s hygiene. It is possible that this dream also speaks of the intrigues of enemies.

A young woman kills a fly - she will soon find a solution to her complicated personal problems.

Russian dream book

Flies in a dream predict scandals and quarrels in reality. But if a person dreamed of only one insect, there is a high probability that he will receive a good gift in the near future.

Autumn dream book

Anyone who sees a fly in a dream will soon find an annoying, talkative neighbor.

Icelandic dream book

A large number of harmful insects is bad news.

Miller's Dream Book

You see, there are a lot of flies in your dream - get ready to defend yourself from enemies. Young women should be especially careful and attentive.

In general, a fly personifies uncleanliness, reflects the dreamer’s attitude towards some problems, rejection of them, so it’s worth reconsidering your values ​​and, perhaps, changing something in life.

Flies are annoying friends - to catch - you will get into trouble of your own free will - to see in food or wine - fear - to kill - to avoid trouble - to see a lot - gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

What does Mukha's dream mean?

Flies in a dream warn of possible infectious diseases. Also, such a dream may portend intrigues against you by your enemies. Such a dream promises misfortune for a young woman. If a woman kills or drives away flies, she will soon improve her love affairs, showing amazing courage and ingenuity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing flies in a dream

To catch - through your own fault you will get into trouble; to see food or wine - fear; kill - avoid trouble; see a lot - gossip

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Flies

Dreaming about flies means harm, troubles and losses caused by your enemies.

If you dream that flies have bitten you, then you will suffer from the slander that your envious people will spread about you. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you may catch a contagious disease.

Seeing a lot of flies in a dream means that you should be wary of slander and take the necessary precautions for this.

One fly in a dream means disappointment or a meeting with a boring person.

Catching flies in a dream is a sign of trouble, which you yourself will cause.

Killing flies in a dream is a harbinger of great trials that you can overcome with great effort. However, after such a dream, you can count on the fact that your troubles will end after some time.

Seeing sticky paper for catching flies in a dream is a sign of intrigue into which you may be drawn.

If a fly ends up in your food in a dream, then trouble and fear await you.

A fly swatter in a dream reminds you that your enemies are not asleep and you should not sit idly by.

See interpretation: insects, bite.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does flies mean in a dream?

A harbinger of illness, sadness and fatigue.

They fly around you - intrigues are woven around you.

Sit on clothes - to slander, slander.

Chases you - trouble will come to your home.

Bitten - bad news.

A lot - you will be assigned additional responsibilities.

A fly sitting on the stove means a fire.

To beat flies - you have to enter into an unequal struggle with envious people.

Catching a fly is a vain desire to hold on to a relationship that has long since exhausted itself.

A fly stuck to the adhesive tape means you will get into trouble of your own free will.

Major - a quarrel with friends.

In food or drink - you will learn about an incurable disease.

Hear flies buzzing - you are surrounded by hypocrites.

Imagine that you mistook fireflies for flies (see Insects).

Seeing flies flying and buzzing in a dream - in reality someone else's importunity will drive you crazy.

Kill a fly - get rid of an annoying admirer or chatty friend.

Imagine that you are wielding a fly swatter and killing all the flies.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of Fly's dreams

Flies seen in a dream portend fear and concern about health. Flies circling in a swarm in a garbage dump - to gossip and gossip around your personal life. Catching flies in a dream means setting a trap for yourself.

Kicking flies out of the apartment means sadness and troubles around the house. Kill flies - improve your love affairs thanks to a clever method.

A dream about a fly swatter warns that some kind of conspiracy is brewing around you. A fly that bites you portends a happy deliverance from a big trouble, from which your pride will nevertheless suffer.

Seeing sticky paper for catching flies, on which these creatures are infested, visibly or invisibly, predicts a quarrel with a loved one or a quarrel with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Flies mean in a dream?

Flies are a bad sign: in reality you will be pursued by your envious people. Sadness and possibly disappointment in friends await you.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does Flies predict in a dream?

Flies - as you dream that flies are in the house and fly up, then there will be a fire. The flies around you are your enemies. Hit flies - defeat enemies. To drive away, to see from afar - to wander, - torment (torment) - torment - torment.

Interpretation of dreams from

There are a lot of signs and beliefs associated with flies in real life. People treat these insects with disgust, and therefore, when they see them in a dream, they do not expect anything good from them. It is important to know what flies mean in dreams in order to understand how to correctly respond to certain events that occur in reality.

Dream books provide many interpretations of a wide variety of dream plots with flies. But even so, you can correctly decipher a dream only by analyzing its smallest details in relation to the events of the surrounding life.

Why do you dream about a lot of flies?

Particularly unpleasant is a dream in which the dreamer sees a large number of flies. It is important to know why there are many flies in dreams in order to cope with possible problems and troubles in real life.

Dreams with a large number of flies may portend:
  • Household chores;
  • Attacks from envious people;
  • Unforeseen losses;
  • Business decline.

I dreamed of the buzzing of flies

If you dream of the buzzing of a large number of insects, then this means that in reality you are surrounded by annoying and boring people. It is quite easy to avoid such a society. All you need to do is get to know the person well first before being alone with him for a long time.

Surrounded by a swarm of flies

If in a dream you are surrounded by a swarm of flies, and you are trying to destroy the insects in any way, then this indicates that in reality you will have to go through serious tests. But, in the end, you will pass this section of life’s road with honor, but on the way to your goal, you will have to work hard.

Shaking insects off your loved one

When, in addition to seeing a lot of flying insects in a dream, you also brush them off the hand of your loved one, this foreshadows a cooling of the relationship between you and focuses on the fact that there has been no mutual understanding between you for a long time. The consequence of such a dream may be separation.

If flies attack the dreamer in large numbers and it is not possible to drive them out in the dream, then this is a bad omen. Moreover, problems that arise in real life will be very difficult to resolve on your own.

Flies bit me in a dream

If, when you wake up, you remember that flies bit you painfully in a dream, then in real life you will have disagreements with your business partners. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the betrayal of close friends.

Poison or catch insects

When you poison flies in a dream, it means that you are trying to get rid of unpleasant acquaintances. But if you catch flies in a dream, then there is a high probability that you will find yourself in an unpleasant life situation due to your own wrong actions.

Flies in the room

When you see from the outside in a dream many flying insects in your room, you should expect the arrival of guests. Most likely, these will be old friends whom you will be glad to see. If flies circle over the table in a dream, then this foreshadows a calm, joy-filled family life.

Actions with flies - interpretation of sleep

If you had to come into contact with a fly, then you can apply the following interpretations to such a plot:
  • Killing a fly with a rag means waiting for a joyful event;
  • Using a newspaper to disperse a swarm of flies indoors means preparing for an interesting long-distance journey;
  • A fly constantly lands on you - you have to look for a new job;
  • Running away from a fly means waiting for important guests;
  • Crying because someone killed a fly - a visit to someone else's house for a magnificent celebration.
If in a dream you killed a fly:
  • With your foot, this indicates that the stranger is in love with you;
  • Hand, then feelings for you awoke in the soul of an old friend.

According to dreamers, a frequent dream is in which a husband flies into a person’s mouth.

It can be interpreted in different ways:
  • If the fly immediately flew out of your mouth, then small but very pleasant surprises will soon await you;
  • If a fly flies in your mouth and buzzes for a long time, then expect complete mental relaxation and celebration;
  • If you swallow a fly, it means you will have the opportunity to successfully implement important negotiations;
  • If you happen to spit out a fly, then prepare yourself for the fact that in the near future you will be able to do a lot of difficult work.

Why do you dream of a green fly?

A green fly also often appears in a dream, and I wonder why such an insect is dreamed of? If such an insect circles over your food in a dream, then this dream emphasizes your natural creative abilities. And if you see in a dream that a fly has landed on your food, then soon you will be able to realize your intimate fantasies.

It is quite difficult to call flies pretty insects, and therefore often after dreaming about them there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. But at the same time, such a feeling may be erroneous, since some dreams also have a positive meaning. Let's find out what flies mean in dreams and how they can influence events happening in real life.

Authoritative sources

Dreams about annoying flies that you can’t get rid of, as a rule, do not bode well. Such dreams promise a lot of trouble, the machinations of envious people, and sometimes losses. But in any case, you should not immediately indulge in panic; it is better to consult a dream book that can answer as clearly as possible what flies mean in your dreams. And today we will pose this question to several of the most popular interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book

This source gives several explanations:

  • a fly that appears in a dream to a young lady is a very bad sign and promises danger or a great misfortune that is about to happen;
  • if a woman dreams of an insect, then it is advisable for her to pay attention to her own health, since in this case the fly symbolizes an undetected infection;
  • if you managed to kill all the flies, then this is already a good sign - in reality, you will be able to bypass the danger or avoid the brewing conflict.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • a flying insect means that in life you will be in a hurry somewhere and will be late;
  • a dead fly seen in a dream is a symbol of a quick date.

On a note! And if you have no idea with whom it can take place, then the Maya dream book advises asking the name of the first person you meet - that will be the name of the person who will make an appointment for you!

Vanga's Dream Book

In this source, flies symbolize the deceased, whose memory you no longer keep, especially if the insects appear quite often:

  • many flies - the deceased ask for remembrance;
  • one annoying fly - you may soon experience the loss of one of your closest people, and at the same time you will experience incredibly severe mental pain;
  • why dream of killing flies - this is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are trying to destroy the memories of the deceased, since you still have not been able to come to terms with this loss.

Advice! In this case, Vanga’s dream book advises you to try to accept the current state of affairs and understand that no one is to blame for what happened!

Family dream book

This edition interprets such night dreams as follows:

  • insects that circle around you symbolize enemies and it is possible that at the moment there are more of them in your life than you think;
  • if in a dream you are trying to destroy insects with a fly swatter, then in real life you should be careful, since ill-wishers are weaving intrigues around your person;
  • sticky trap for catching flies - a quick quarrel with close friends.

Aesop's Dream Book

This dream book says that a fly is the personification of the bad side of your nature and behavior: importunity, deceit, hypocrisy, etc.

  • A fly that constantly flies around you symbolizes an ill-wisher that you are not even aware of;
  • an insect stuck to something sweet - very soon a situation will happen from which it will be quite difficult to find a way out.

Advice! After such a dream, Aesop’s dream book recommends being always on the alert, reconsidering your immediate surroundings and choosing your friends more carefully!

Other sources

So, what else can a fly symbolize:

  • to see a lot of flies in a dream - people slander you and spread gossip about you;
  • an insect has settled on the stove - a fire is possible;
  • black flies - to diseases;
  • large black flies are a warning that a major business that you want to take on will most likely fall apart;
  • driving away insects from the hand of a loved one means a quick cooling of the relationship or separation;
  • drive out flies without killing them - difficulties and trials will pass you by;
  • catching insects for destruction - you will commit several wrong actions that will bring you trouble;
  • use poison - in life you will be able to rid yourself of the company of annoying acquaintances;
  • flies bite you in a dream - possible disagreements with partners or betrayal of people whom you have completely trusted until now.

Sometimes a dream about these insects can be a good omen, for example, if you saw dead insects in a dream, then in reality you will be able to get rid of both small and large problems.

Why do you dream of a swarm of endlessly buzzing flies? This means that you will be in the company of annoying, boring people, whose company will tire you very quickly. If you are more selective in choosing a company for spending your leisure time, then it is quite possible that you will be able to avoid such a situation. And if in a dream you are trying with all your might to destroy a swarm of insects, then in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor, but you will have to put a lot of effort into this.

On a note! When trying to decipher dreams about flies, it is very important to take into account the fact that most of them warn of danger. But it is not difficult to avoid disaster, and for this it is necessary to take certain precautions.

Which dream book to trust is up to you. Try to compare the events currently happening in your life with the interpretations you have read - this way you can determine for yourself the source whose opinion you need to listen to. And even if a fly that appears in a dream symbolizes enormous difficulties and failures, just accept it, accept it as a warning that will help you cope with future problems.