Lesson summary in the Russian language “Dividing soft sign. Lesson summary “Soft sign teacher, notebook, girl, skates, bear, December

Subject. Letter soft sign (ь)

Goals of the teacher's activities

Introduce the letter ь (soft sign). Expand the meaning of the soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in writing.


    Develop phonemic awareness through distinguishing between hard and soft phonemes.

    Develop skills in sound-letter and syllabic analysis.

    Develop word transformation skills,

    Reinforce the concept of “sound - letter”,

    Improve reading and writing skills

    Develop cognitive processes

Planned results:

    Subject Skills

Learn to indicate the softness of consonants in writing using a soft sign in the middle and end of words

Personal UUD:

Formulate your speech phonetically and intonation correctly

Have a positive attitude towards correctional classes, understanding their necessity in order to become more successful in educational activities

Form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity

Regulatory UUD:

Plan your actions to complete the task;

Accept and save the learning task appropriate to the stage of learning;- evaluate, together with the teacher and students, the results of their actions;- correct errors in oral and written speech;- monitor the results of your activities and the activities of your friend.

Cognitive UUD:

ABOUTconsciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form;- use acquired knowledge when completing a learning task;- construct a conscious and voluntary speech utterance in oral form.

Communicative UUD:

Development of control and self-control skills

Foster a culture of business communication, business cooperation, friendship, and interest in learning.

Realize educational cooperation with the teacher and peers

Formulate your point of view independently or with the help of a teacher

Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time .

The one who repeats the teacher’s words sits down

dust, coal, stump, horse; ABC book, bed, crucian carp, poplar; perch, measles, fire, beast; deer, goose, day, rain.

Setting the topic of the lesson

What sound do we hear at the end of words?

What sign can we use to indicate the softness of consonants in writing?

    Main part.

Lesson topic message

What do you think is the topic of our lesson today? (introduction to b)

The purpose of our lesson: to learn to indicate softness in writing consonants using a soft sign.

Soft step

This is the letter ....(b)

If the last consonant in a word is pronounced softly, a soft sign is placed after it.

Speech exercise:

al - ol-ul-il at-ot~ut-it as - axis - here you go - ov - uh - Ivi An - on-un-yin ar-or-ur-ir

Yat-yat-yat - we went for a walk. He-he-he - A horse is grazing in the meadow.

Ar-ar-ar - we read the primer. En-en-en - Lilacs grow in the garden.

Development of phonemic awareness

Didactic game "Traffic Light".

The teacher pronounces the words. Children should turn the traffic light green when they hear the last sound in a word.sounds soft.

Vocabulary material:chair, coal, sofa, horse, house, lilac, mosquito, crucian carp, perch, sign, poplar, pump, bubble, sunflower, primer.

Introducing the letter ь.

The letter R has turned over,

She turned around with a soft sign.

Showing a letter.

Formation of sound-letter analysis

comparison of word schemes

ate - spruce corner - coal

How many letters? How many sounds?– Why did this happen: there are more letters than sounds?(b does not indicate a sound)

A soft sign is a cunning sign.
Don't call him anything.
It's not pronounced
But the word is often asked.

Converting words : day - stump - laziness - shadow.

Physical education minute

We will leave the desks together,

But there is no need to make noise at all.

Stand up straight, legs together,

Turn around in place.

Let's clap our hands once in the park

And we'll drown a little.

Now let's imagine, kids,

It’s as if our hands are branches.

Let's shake them together

It's like the south wind is blowing.

The wind died down. We sighed together.

We need to continue the lesson.

Development of logical thinking

"Guess a riddle". Sleeping or bathing

Touching the grass with her hooves, she still doesn’t take off her shoes.

A handsome man walks through the forest, day and night on legs

Walks boldly and easily, Red boots.(Goose.)

Horns spread wide.(Elk.)

Who is coming,

Who is leaving -

Everyone leads her by the hand.(Door.)

Lay out the guess words from the letters of the split alphabet

Consolidating spelling skills with soft signs in words and sentences.

Work in notebooks


spruce, horse, stump, day, coal, perch, animal, deer, goose.


The day has come. A perch swims in the pond. A deer wanders through the forest.

III. Lesson summary . Reflection.
What did we talk about today? What new have you learned? What were you interested in? Why?

Well, our lesson has come to an end. You did a good job today. Evaluate your work in class in your notebook.

Olga Komissarenko
Lesson summary “Soft sign”

Grammar topic: Soft sign.

Lexical topic: Antonyms.

Target: Teach notation softness consonants with b. Tasks: 1. To develop the ability to distinguish between solid and soft consonants.

2. Practice selecting antonyms for words.

3. Develop phonemic awareness.

4. Practice writing sentences.

5. Develop visual perception.

Move: 1. Organizational moment.

What letter do these objects resemble? (on b)

2. Look, I have words written on the board. Read them.

Now read the words on the other side of the board. Are these the same words?

What is the difference?

Words: corner, brother, ate, chalk, chorus, top; coal, take, spruce, stranded, polecat, swamp.

3. Solving a crossword puzzle.

Come up with words.

4. Selection of pictures for diagrams.

o o o b – mouse

o o o o o ь – dove, etc.

5. Sound-letter analysis of the words dove, blizzard.

6. Physical exercise.


7. Making sentences with words. Record. Select the main members.

8. Work on cards. Read the words, write them in the singular. Underline the letters in each that represent soft consonants. Mark which letter is used to indicate softness of consonants.

pigeons –

9. Look how many b are hidden?


10. I will say words, and you will clap when you hear a word at the end of which you would write ь.

Words: dig, went, chalk, stranded, sleep, juice, salt, cook, house, salt, poppy seed, write, drew.

11. And "Vice versa"

big - hot -

long - dirty -

wide - sharp -

tall - smart -

light - deep -

Publications on the topic:

I want to offer you a homemade way to create a soft construction set. To make it you will need ordinary multi-colored sponges.

Purpose of the game: To teach children to distinguish road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Develop skills independently.

In our kindergarten, a competition was held among teachers for the best didactic game on fire safety rules. I took part in this.

Lesson summary using the interactive game “Name the road sign” Interactive didactic game “Name the road sign” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs. The teacher makes a wish for the children.

Lesson summary “Dove of Victory badge for Victory Day” Master class “Breastplate “Dove of Victory” for Victory Day” Purpose: To foster patriotism and citizenship among the younger generation.

Master class on quilling on the topic: "Sign of eternity and infinity!" March 8 is coming soon - International Women's Day! I think people have a good reason.

Holiday according to traffic rules “Dunno and a road sign” (junior and middle groups)“Dunno and the Road Sign” (junior and middle groups) Objectives: 1. Deepen children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in conditions.

Literacy lesson “Soft consonant sound [ch’], letters Ch, ch” Technological map of a literacy lesson

Lesson summary in Russian language

"Dividing soft sign."

Teacher: Prikhodko O.S.

Class: 2.

Item: Russian language

Subject: Separating soft sign.

Target: Give primary schoolchildren the concept of a soft separating sign.


Educational -

Clarifying students’ ideas about the soft separating sign; improving the ability to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing.

Corrective and developmental -

Develop speech, thinking and the ability of partial search cognitive activity. Enrich students' vocabulary.

Develop spelling vigilance, learn to see words with a soft separating sign.

Educational -

To cultivate independence, the ability for intense mental work, accuracy, to develop an interest in the Russian language, attracting children’s attention to the “living” word, to be attentive to a friend, and to provide all possible assistance.

Personal results of students:

Realize the meaning of studying the spelling of a separating soft sign and successfully using it in words; understand the importance of correct spelling of a soft sign; developing the skill of cooperation with adults and peers in the lesson.

Meta-subject results:


evaluate the progress and result of the task; compare your answers with those of your classmates.


build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships, search for information to complete an educational task, independently create an activity algorithm for spelling a soft sign, be able to formulate a rule for writing a hard sign.


listen carefully to each other and be able to express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Subject results: know when to write a soft separator; be able to correctly write words with a soft separator.

Lesson type. Practical solution to an educational problem.

Material for the lesson: Presentation “Soft separating sign”.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

We should be fine

Pens, books and notebooks.

Please check that your workstations are ready for the lesson.

Sit down please.

2. A minute of penmanship (b).

I'll open the notebook,

I'll put it in a corner.

I, friends, will not hide it from you,

I hold my pen like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work.

3. Updating knowledge.

On the board: 1) illustrations: leaves, dress, jam

2) cards with words:

varene - jam

plate - dress

leaves - leaves

Look at the illustrations on the board and name the objects depicted on them.

Choose a card with the correct spelling of a given word and attach it under the illustration. (Jam, dress, leaves)

Does everyone agree with the guys' choice? (Yes)

What rule unites these words in spelling? (Writing words with a soft separator)

What is the role of the soft separator in words? (It shows that consonants and vowels do not merge during pronunciation)

Explain why you didn't choose these cards? (They do not have a soft separating sign, and when pronounced, the consonant sound merges with the vowel)

4. Self-determination for activity.

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is? (Words with a soft separator)

What will we practice for the lesson? (When writing words with a soft separator)

Well done! You are absolutely right.

Please open your notebooks and write down the number.

On the desk: attach the letter: ь.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1 Working with letter series.

Read the words carefully and think, when and where in the words do we write a soft separator? (The separating soft sign is written after the consonants before the vowels e e and yu i)

(jam, sparrows, wings, salt)

Remember why these letters are called “special”? (If they are placed after a soft separating sign, then they indicate two sounds)

What if after a consonant? (Denote the softness of this consonant)

Name the words with a soft separator.

Name the words where the soft sign indicates the softness of the consonant.

2. Exercise in writing words with a soft separator.

We remembered the rule when writing a separating soft sign. Now let’s practice writing words with a soft separator in order to avoid making mistakes ourselves.

A well-known cartoon character came to our lesson. Who is he? Guess what. He says this about himself:

Friends, I’ll tell you a secret:

I can't live without jam.

For health and fun

I eat cookies, I eat jam.

Who is this?

On the desk: Carlson's picture appears.

Carlson wants to check how attentive you were and remembered the words with a soft separating sign that appeared in the poem.

(Friends, jam, cookies, fun, health)

Let's write these words down. (1 lesson)

Explain the spelling of the soft separator in these words.

What does the separating soft sign indicate? (That consonants and vowels do not merge during pronunciation)

Indicate the spelling.

Exercise for the eyes “Fish”.

3 Work on the proposal.

A). - Orally make a sentence using any of these words. (students' answers)

b). - Let's write down the sentence with commentary: (1 lesson)

Carlson drinks tea with raspberry jam.

What are the main parts of the sentence?

4 Physical education minute.

Let's play the game "It happens - it doesn't happen." I will offer you various sayings. If you agree with them, you will stretch upward, and if you disagree, you will squat. Ready?

It rains at night. (reach up)

The elephant has wings. (squats)

The hunter has a gun. (reach up)

There is a rainbow at night. (squats)

Jam is made from berries. (reach up)

The squirrel's home is in a hollow. (reach up)

Well done! Sit down please.

What words with a soft separator were heard in this physical education session? (at night, wings, gun, jam, housing)

Well done! All the words were named.

5 Work from the textbook (p. 116)

A). - Open the textbook on page 116.

Read the task for exercise No. 204.

6 - From the letter series, select those vowel letters preceded by a soft separating sign.

On the board: a I at Yu uh e sch e And s

Does everyone agree with this choice?

7. Homework.

Guys! Our lesson is coming to an end. Please put notebooks and textbooks on the edge of the table. Get to know your homework.

On the desk: write down - p. 116 ex. 206

Read the assignment for the exercise.

What needs to be done?

Have questions about homework?

8. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Let's summarize the lesson.

What did you learn in the lesson? (Write words with a soft separator)

Raise your hand if you think you have mastered this learning challenge.

What a great fellow you are!

Thank you for the lesson!

TEST. Separating soft sign.

Level 1.

1. Find and underline words with a soft separator.

Flakes, big, minx, tenants, housing, ice floe.

2. Read the sentences. Write down the words with a soft separator.

At night there was a blizzard. A girl sews dresses for dolls.


3. Write down the words with a soft separator.

Skates, bear, sparrows, coat, camp, potatoes, happiness, monkey, blizzard.


Level 2.

4.Read. Insert appropriate words with a soft separator.

The hunter charged_____________________

They fell from the trees_________________

Drying on a line____________________

5. Read. Write down the words with a soft separator, separating them with dashes for hyphenation.

Without patience there is no skill.


Repetition is the mother of learning.


Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.


Level 3.

6. Correct mistakes.

Our little skin is a big minx.

Dad brought a stuffed sparrow.

Murka grabbed the stuffed animal.

All that was left of the bird was shreds.

Lesson topic: “A soft sign is an indicator of softness.”

Target : develop the ability to recognize soft consonant sounds in a word and correctly designate them using a soft sign.


  1. Develop the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants at the end of a word in hearing and pronunciation.
  2. Develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and compare words.
  3. Learn to use a soft sign to indicate the softness of a consonant sound.
  4. Clarify and enrich students’ vocabulary
  5. Develop students' speech


Systematize knowledge about hard and soft consonant sounds and ways to indicate soft consonants in writing;

Develop the ability to indicate the softness of consonants in writing using a soft sign;

Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to use words correctly in speech;

To develop spelling vigilance, attention, memory, observation, curiosity, willpower, and speech of children.

Cultivate interest in the Russian language and respectful relationships with each other.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

We have an unusual lesson today. We have guests in class.

Let's say hello to them.

Guys, turn to our guests and greet them with a smile.

Turn to face your neighbor, hold hands, smile and tell him:

I wish you well;

If you find it difficult, I will help.

Sit down quietly.

We have a lot to do in class.

Therefore, how should you work?

Fast, diligent and friendly!

So, I'm starting the lesson.

Today this lesson should help you climb another level of school literacy.

Guys, why does a person need to be literate?

(This is necessary in order to feel calm among literate people, and not be afraid to write letters, notes, essays and stories.)

And this is what the letter that came to our lesson will teach us today.

Which one? Guess for yourself by solving the riddle.

What letter is it, who knows:

Doesn't mean a sound

Can only show

(letter b)

This letter is a soft sign.

(card is posted - b)

Look how kind he is, never rude, always polite and respectful. He speaks to everyone softly and kindly. He's probably a very good friend

Would you like to have such a friend?

The topic of our lesson is “Soft sign - an indicator of softness”

(Slide 1 and 2)

Today we will continue to learn how to write words with a soft sign, we will get acquainted with a new rule and a new vocabulary word.

2. A minute of penmanship.

On the desk:

1) - Find similar elements in the letters k, n, s and name them.

Restore the word (pencil).

(Slide 3)

2) Honey, row, horse, rice, hatch.

What do all these words have in common?

(The words are one-syllable, denote an object, the first consonant sound is soft.)

Which word is missing?

(Horse.) (Slide 4)


(In all words the last sound is hard, but in the word horse it is soft [n"].)

How did you indicate the softness of the sound [n"] in writing?

(Letter b.)

3). - Write this word down beautifully in your notebook.

4). - Finish the sentence. Write the guess word in your notebook.

(One of the students works at the blackboard)

  1. Without a key, believe me, you won’t open this (door).
  2. In the forest, I happened to see a mighty (elk) gnawing on bark.
  3. I will get a grade (five) in reading again.

What did they write in all the words?

(A soft sign is an indicator of the softness of consonants at the end of a word.)

3. Updating knowledge, going to the topic of the lesson.

Why do we need a soft sign?

(It serves to indicate the softness of consonants.)

What other helpers does the soft sign have that indicate

softness of consonants?

(Vowels letters e, e, i, yu, i.)

What else do you know about the letter b?

(This letter does not represent a sound.)

4. " Discovery" of new knowledge.

1). Ex. No. 1 - page 36 on assignment

(Working with an explanatory dictionary p. 93)

(Slide 5)

2). Day, coat, April, horse, album, fingers.

Read the words. What do they have in common?

(All words denote objects, all have a soft sign indicating softness.)

What two groups can words be divided into?

(By location of b in a word.)

Distribute the words into groups depending on the location of b and write them in two columns.

Check: (Slide 6)

(On the slide, the words are converted into 2 columns).

What place does b occupy in the words of the first column?

(It comes at the end of a word after a consonant)

(Shows that the consonant sound before it is pronounced softly.)

What place does b occupy in the words of the second column?

(It stands in the middle of a word between two consonants.)

What is the role of b in this case?

(B placed between two consonants shows that the consonant in front of it is pronounced softly.)

What conclusion can we draw?

(A soft sign at the end of a word after a consonant and in the middle of a word between two consonants shows that the consonant sound in front of it is pronounced softly.)

5. Physical education minute.(Slide 7)

Now let's take a rest. Everyone got up.

I name the words. If the word contains ь (soft sign), then you squat; if it is not there, then raise your hands up and clap.

Ate, spruce, take, brother, stranded, chalk, role, chorus.

6. " Discovery" of new knowledge.

1). Ex. 2 p.36

2) Rule p.36

7. Primary consolidation.

R/t page 46-training exercises

Find words in paragraphs 1 and 2 with ь - an indicator of softness and

determine the number of letters and sounds.

8. Vocabulary and spelling work.

Now guess the riddle and you will learn a new word with an unverifiable spelling.

(Slide 8)

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

(Slide 9)

(Drawing of a bear)

What word is this?

Write down this word and other words with the same root, highlight the common part.

Why do you think the bear is called that?

The bear was the most formidable enemy of man in the forest. They feared him more than any other animal, and in order not to pronounce his name, they decided to replace it with another, very successful and harmless word. (Honey badger - bear)

9. Lesson summary.

Let's summarize our lesson.

What is b used for?

(The soft sign indicates the softness of the preceding consonant.)

Where can b be found in a word?

(At the end of a word and in the middle between two consonants.)

What new word did you learn about in class?

Do you think everyone has learned about the soft sign?

There are still a lot of interesting things waiting for us

11. Reflection

Raise your hands if you are satisfied with your work in class.

Guys, who helped us in class today?

Let's say a big thank you to him for being so kind and helping us make friends with the new rule in class.

I think that you and I, guys, will only do good deeds and help people.

Thank you for your friendly work in class.

(Slide 10)

Well done!

Municipal educational institution

"Yalginskaya Secondary School"

Russian language lesson

“A soft sign is an indicator of softness”

Conducted in 1a grade

Teacher: Gladysheva M.P.

Saransk 2012

Lesson topic: Soft sign at the end of a word

Lesson objectives:

  • systematize knowledge and skills on the topic;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • form the grammatical structure of speech;
  • teach the ability to answer questions in complete sentences;
  • develop general educational skills, development of memory and thinking.

Equipment: cards, ball, computer

Progress of the lesson

Lesson stages


Mobilizing students' attention. Development of logical thinking
The bell rang.
Let's start our lesson.
What letter is it, who knows?
Does not indicate sound.
Can only show
How to read a consent. (Soft sign)
- Today in class we will talk about why we need b.
- What do you know about the soft sign?
Soft sign - cunning sign
Don't call him anything
It's not pronounced
But the word is often asked.
- What does the soft sign mean? (softness of consonant)

writing a number in a notebook

Development of sound synthesis
- Change the word so that it ends in a soft consonant.
El-fir pole-
Angle - heat -
- b - very hospitable and loves to meet guests. And his guests will not be quite ordinary. He was the first to arrive goose . And asks to write the words correctly.

Goose, elk, crucian carp, day, beast, deer.
- Read the words.
- Underline b together with the consonant.
A new guest has arrived - ferret and asks you to turn it and other words so that there is a b at the end.
Ferret - ... ferret
Animal - ...animal
Moth - ... moth
Day - ... day
Stump - ... stump
Ogonek - ... fire
Perch - ... perch


writing on the board

Development of logical thinking
Arrived bullfinch.
Name the extra item.
Briefcase, caramel, bed book. (Book, because there is no soft sign in the word)

.Come bear. He asks us to rest.
Three bears were walking home.
Dad was big, big.
Mom is shorter with him,
And my little son is just
He was very small
He walked around with a rattle.
Ding-ding, ding-ding,
He walked around with a rattle.
- Say the words of the physical education lesson to yourself and name which words have b written at the end of the word (ding)

Development of temporal representations
Came deer and brought this task.
- Read the names of the months and write them according to the seasons. Insert a soft sign where necessary.
June..., April..., May, August, January..., July..., March, November..., February..., October..., December..., September...


Development of the lexical structure of speech
And the last guest came - seal . He also brought us a task.
- Add one consonant at the beginning of the word. You should end up with a lot of different words. Write these words.

Write down the unused consonants. Underline the letter b in the words.
- Today there were many different guests at our lesson. Remember them and write the names of the animals in the boxes.

Literature: 1

  1. Efimenkova L.N. “Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: a book for speech therapists. - M.: Education, 1991.
  2. Sadovnikova I.N. “Correctional education for schoolchildren with reading and writing disorders.” - ARCTI. 2005